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Calligraphy Invitations & Envelopes

A picture's worth a thousand words. Here are some
photos to help you get to know Sue better.  

Sue doing what she loves best—
inspring women to love Jesus!

Sue and Ray on the streets in Belarus (a former Soviet state).

Sue ministering to a young mom in Belarus.
It ain't easy being green! Sue and her hair
go all out for Arkansas Super Summer. Sue was dean of Green School that year.

Sue and her son Kevin, owner of Saint Frank Coffee in San Francisco

Sue and two of her sisters on a Caribbean cruise.

With a giant tortoise on the Galapagos Islands
Read her blog post about this picture "Photoshopping Life"

Sue recording a Probe radio program.

Sue in Burundi, Africa, after her friend wrapped her head African-style for a day of teaching

Sue and Ray with their sons Kevin, graduating from Dallas Theological Seminary, and Curtis.


© 2025 Sue Bohlin. All rights reserved worldwide.